About Me

I am a procrastinator, I’m messy, disorganized, have trouble focusing and I’m always late. I also have created a pretty great life for myself and my two boys. And while I’m far from perfect I’m continuously working towards building better habits in my life, getting rid of my bad habits, working towards the things in life that are important to me, and creating a happy and fulfilling life for myself and my family.

I’ve discovered that while it’s helpful to read about what works for others and on the philosophy of how to lead a fulfilling life, I need to figure things out for myself. I’ve started to create some great habits in my life and have developed a method for continuously working towards my goals. So I’m here to share my journey and in the process hope that I’m able to pass on some of my learnings to others looking to make some strides in a better direction.

If I had to sum up my philosophy on creating a happy and fulfilling life in just a couple of sentences I’d give you the following:

1. Focus on the things you can control. The things you can’t will still bother you, but if you can focus on improving other areas of your life, it will give you a light at the end of the tunnel to find your way out.

2. Make small steps in the direction you want to take your life everyday. Don’t beat yourself up, but don’t let off the gas.

3. Excuses have no purpose other than to hold you back from achieving the things you want in life. Learn to squelch them before they surface.

4. Don’t be jealous of those who are in a better place than you. Learn from them and what has made them successful. In doing this you will create your own greatness.

Oh, and my name is Lucy. I’m from the Midwest, the mother of two sweet and naughty little boys, a buyer, and an aspiring writer working on creating a fulfilling life for myself and my family.

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